1. L'Aurore (Sunrise)
2. Le Départ (Departure)
3. Les Rêves (Dreams)
4. La Bohémienne (Gipsy woman)
5. Les Confidences (Confessions)
6. Le Retour (Return)
M. Mussorgsky (1839-1881)
Impromptu passionné
Children’s Scherzo
Nanny and I
The First Punishment
Intermezzo in the classic style (piano version by the author)
G. Fauré (1845-1924)
Three pieces from the Suite "Pelleas and Melisande"
Preludé (piano version by the author)
Sicilienne (piano version by the author)
La Fileuse (The Spinner, piano version by A. Cortot)